
Memorial Day

So what are your plans for Memorial Day?  Anything exciting? Nothing planned?  Not sure what to do? Article about things to do for Memorial Day by Angelic Marie Bowman


Why's life so hard?

I don't really think it should be easy.  Easy is boring, but shouldn't it be a little less hard? I enjoy all my games on easy mode first play through. 
Hmmm, maybe just maybe I have already played through on easy and this insanity mode.  Nah, it is still too boring more like hard mode.  Insanity would need more explosions and knife fights.
Let's face it,  i might not be good at knife fights.  If I die, it's game over.   I realize objectively life is what you make of it but face it some of us are clearly dealt a better starting hand and draw way better cards by chance. 
I said face it twice. Hmmm, wonder if that means anything.  Probably, it probably means that I am stuck with all the choices I have from all of the choices I have made.  This actually seems like a sound enough theory.
I find as I get older that I worry more about missing out on all the kinds of experiences and things that I want to do or see before I kick the can.  Sure I can see more in my next life but I want to achieve way to much in this one! 
See what happens when I'm lying here on the sofa to sick to do my microeconomics homework! I get philosophical.
Love you!

So I'm trying a new app for my photography...

Check out the latest photos by Aimée Gilchrìst: http://www.eyeem.com/u/18772877 Take and discover photos on EyeEm. For iPhone and Android.


Who's a Grad student? I AM! Oh, and video game talk.

Okay, so much for building up some momentum and getting you on the edge of your seat to find out if I was accepted.  So I was obviously accepted to the MBA program at SOU.  So now I am an official fancy pants! 
Yes, even I have surprised myself.  I knew I was smart, so it doesn't surprise me that I can get accepted, what surprises me if how far this little ol' nut job has actually made it.  SURE it only took me FOREVER to get my act together, but you know...the first 40 years are just research!!  

As the saying goes, "Your first 40 years of childhood are the hardest!"  Then there are other really cool sayings such as;  "You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream." C.S. Lewis.

SO I feel all backed up and justified!  READY! SET! (RUN SCREAMING LIKE MY HAIR IS ON FIRE)!! GO!!!!!!  

I feel a little bit of trepidation.  Mostly about getting back in the swing of learning, assignments, and school life in general.  This is always a stressful time in anyones life, but it can also be extremely rewarding and enriching. I love to learn and I am excited to take off in a brand new direction!  I am ready to kick a$$ and take names.  Not a whole lot different from anything else I have done but this one is kind of a big deal.  If I pull this off well who is to stop me from a doctorate some day?  Oh my goodness!!  No, I admit, I have no desire to go for that degree, but I do think I will be good in the consulting world and I hope to see that come to fruition.   

Okay, that is SOOOOOOOOOOO boring.  How about I talk about video games?  I have been playing the new(er) Tomb Raider game.  Not horrible, pretty decent.  I am not super crazy about how lame she can be sometimes haha.  OR the whole system of having to use twitch reflexes to wiggle and hit things during fights and so on.  Not so crazy about that.   Enjoyable however, and I will finish it.  Maybe. :)  

Let's just talk about this for a minute.  I seem to have an issue finishing games.  This has always been a problem for me, sometimes I feel like it because I get bored easily and lets face it  when you are doing repetitive things within a game I tend to put it down.  I wish the gameplay changed and kept you on your toes.  I don't want to do the same thing over and over until its rote memory.  A few games have been able to keep my interest all the way through to the bitter end.  BUT, this has been only a small few.  Mass Effect 3, Both Portal games, Mario Brothers, The walking dead, okay, there have been others, but I really am not here to sustain my gamer rep with anyone. :)  

I have been wanting to play the old adventure point and click stuff lately,  I just tried a new game called LIfe is strange.  It is set in Oregon and it is actually a very nice new take on point and click play.  The art and gameplay are fresh and the story is pretty interesting.  In this game you play a kid who can rewind time and change what happened, this is pretty damn cool.  I played the first episode and paid for the others.  The second is downloading as we speak, but I am sure I will enjoy it.  I must say I really enjoy these new episode based games.  I meant to play the Wolf amongst us, but only played the trial, I will do it eventually!  I am contemplating trying the final MYST and would also like to get to playing the older games SYberia and Gray Matter.   



1 month and counting...

Unpacked. The garage still looks scary.  I should probably do something about it.  :)  I am still alive, haven' heard back on the MBA program yet, I applied a few weeks ago now.  Just being busy with life stuff and getting to know the area.  The area I live in, is a little scary at night to me.  It could be worse.
Went on a road trip with my best friend for her bday to crescent city.  I LOVE that I am close to the beach again.  I miss it being a drive-able day thing to do.  I will be enjoying all new outdoor adventures this summer which I hope will whip me into shape and will mean a lot of blogs of my new found spots in the rogue valley!  So, my audience of noone, enjoy!

<3 p="">Amers